House Captains
At the start of the year eight children were chosen to be House Captains who help with things like sports day and open days here is a list of their responsibilities:
- As House Captains we stand on the gate very morning to greet people with respect and kindness as they start the school day.
- We have the privilege of introducing young children to our school federation and showing them around the school so they’re ready to start Year R.
- We count the house points across the school each week and announce the results in Celebration Worship every week.
- At the start of sports day we have the privileged of setting up the events and demonstrating the early morning activities and at the end counting all the house points each house has earned throughout the day.
- During Sports Day we encourage the younger ones throughout their activities. We announce the winners of Sports Day and the House Captains of the winning house get to lift the trophy!
- As House captains we have the responsibility to be role models for the younger children. We take our responsibilities seriously so that the younger children know how to be good sportsman and team players.