John Keble C of E Primary

School Uniform

School uniform can be purchased from Skoolkit in Eastleigh, or online at

Generic trousers, skirts & shirts etc can be purchased from any retail outlet.


  • Charcoal Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore or a navy blue gingham or striped short-sleeved dress/shorts for summer wear.
  • White shirt. Long or short sleeved or white polo shirt.
  • Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt with the school’s shield logo.
  • Shoes must be either black or brown but not open backed, raised heels, open toes or trainers.

Blazers are optional.

Ties are required for Years 1-6, optional for Year R. Elasticated ties for Year R to 2, and traditional ties for Years 3 to 6.

Hair - Long hair must be worn tied back.


PE kit consists of:

  • A pair of elasticated or Velcro plimsolls (no laces please) or trainers
  • Black or navy shorts
  • Red, green, blue or yellow t-shirt depending on which house your child has been assigned to.
  • For winter months, you may pack a pair of tracksuit bottoms or suitable trainers.



Your child will have up to 2 regular PE sessions each week. Please ensure that your child has their named PE kit in school every day. We do recommend bringing it on the first day of each half term. We will ensure it is returned on the last day of each half term for washing!


Outdoor clothing

Please provide your child with a suitable coat for the weather.


We also ask that you purchase a book bag. You can buy a version with the school’s logo from Skoolkit, if you wish.


No jewellery is to be worn or brought into school unless this is for religious reasons and has been discussed with the class teacher in advance. Studs may be worn in pierced ears. If studs cannot be removed for PE, they will need to be covered with micropore tape.